"The Love Story that Captured a Nation’s Heart
Joey and Rory Feek were enjoying a steadily growing fan base in country music when Joey was diagnosed unexpectedly with a rapidly spreading cancer. This vibrant and beautiful young woman would soon be on a unique journey for which no one is ever fully prepared. Her husband, Rory, and children, Heidi, Hopie, and Indiana, were beside her each step of the way. Rory, a prolific songwriter, entrepreneur, farmer, and overall tender man, has seen God bless his life in countless unexpected ways and had started a blog, thislifeilive.com, not really knowing its purpose other than he needed to write. That purpose soon became clearer when Joey’s cancer battle hit.
By inviting so many into the final months of Joey’s life, this astounding couple captured the hearts of millions with their powerful love story, the manner in which they were handling the diagnosis, and the inspiring simple way they had chosen to live their lives.
In this vulnerable book, Rory takes us into his own challenging life story and shows what can happen when God brings both his presence and the right companion into our lives. He also gives never-before-revealed details on what he calls “the long goodbye,” the blessing of being able to know that life is going to end and taking advantage of it. Feek shows how we all are actually there already and how we can learn to live that way every day. He then goes into detail toward the end of the book on what it’s like to try to move on with your life once you’ve “had it all.”"
Goodreads - This Life I Live
This book is the story of Joey and Rory Feek's love and how they both got to where they are in life. It tells of the struggles that Rory faced and how he found Joey which turned his life around and gave him a whole new purpose. All of the happy moments, and the sad, are chronicled in this book, and it gives the reader a new perspective on love and how life should be lived.
I remember watching Joey and Rory on Can You Duet?. My mom absolutely fell in love with them. She followed their music and their story. She was absolutely excited when they announced they would have their own TV show, and even more excited when they announced they were expecting a baby. At that point I joined in the fun and started following their story and their journey. My mom and I were devastated when we found out that Joey had cancer. I would update my mom when Rory posted on his blog. We were both heartbroken when we heard the news of Joey's passing. I remember where I was when I read the news article. There was a lot of information shared of Joey and Rory's journey, but this book really gave all the details, good and bad. I love how raw and real this book was. Rory shared all the bad things that had happened to him, and how he wasn't the best person when he was younger. He shared all of the troubles he and Joey faced, as well as all the love they shared. I always saw Joey and Rory as a couple who had a perfect life with no troubles or heartaches. I now understand that just like everyone else, they had their own battles they were facing or had faced. This book really has helped me in my own relationship to understand that neither of us are perfect, our relationship isn't perfect, life isn't perfect, and that is absolutely okay. Joey and Rory loved unconditionally, even through the bad times. They worked their problems out instead of throwing in the towel and calling it quits. I took a lot away from Joey and Rory's relationship with each other, but I honestly wish there was a separate book that focused just on their relationship with each other instead of having all the back story of Rory's life.
I only had two complaints about this book. The first was that the chapters were very, very short. The chapters were so short it was hard to keep me hooked. I would read a couple chapters, feel like I hadn't read very much, get discouraged, and not pick up the book for a couple weeks. It took me three months to read this book. My other complaint, as I mentioned above, was that in this book was there was a LOT of back story on Rory, as in I felt like there was more back story than there was story of Joey and Rory. I understand that Rory had to set the scene for how he was with relationships in his past. This was very crucial because it showed how Joey had changed and transformed him into something amazing. But at the same time, I was wanting more stories of Joey and Rory. I was wanting to read the funny stories of them together or the sad moments they shared. I felt like it was very quick at the end. They got married, they disagreed on babies, they had a baby, she got cancer, the end. I really wanted more on their relationship and their story. What was shared in this book really spoke to me about my relationships with my boyfriend, friends, and family. I would love to see another book that is really focused on their relationship together and how they relied on each other and helped each other grow. I just need more than what was given to me in this book.
Overall, I would give this book 4 out of 5 stars. I think if I had sat down and read the book straight through I would have given it 5 stars, but I really lost interest while reading it. I would recommend this book to anyone who has followed Joey and Rory, and to anyone who is looking for a good book that is based on relationships and faith.
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