Friday, November 20, 2020

Fly a Little Higher by Laura Sobiech

From Goodreads, 

"Laura Sobiech tells the amazing story of how God used her son’s battle with cancer to touch the lives of millions.

“Okay, Lord, you can have him. But if he must die, I want it to be for something big. I want someone’s life to be changed forever.”

This is what Laura Sobiech prayed when she found out her seventeen-year-old son had only one year to live. With this desperate prayer, she released her son to God’s will.

At that point, Zach Sobiech was just another teenager battling cancer. When his mother told him to think about writing good-bye letters to family and friends, he decided instead to write songs. One of them, “Clouds,” captured hearts and changed not one life but millions, making him an international sensation.

But Zach’s story is not just about music. It’s a testament to what can happen when you live as if each day might be your last. It’s a story about the human spirit. It’s about how God used a dying boy from a small town in Minnesota to touch the hearts of millions—including top executives in the music industry, major music artists, news anchors, talk show hosts, actors, priests and pastors, and school children across the globe.

Zach once said, “I want to be known as the kid who went down fighting, and didn’t really lose.” Fly a Little Higher is about how God used Zach to do something big."

I was in college when I first saw a video being posted on Facebook about a young boy named Zach Sobiech who had a cancer diagnosis.  I remember watching it and being captivated by his strength and his attitude knowing that death was right around the corner.  Fast forward a bit and I found this book on the shelf at Target.  There was no question that I had to read this book and get the full story of Zach Sobiech and his family. 

Fly a Little Higher is the story of the Sobiech family and how they relied on faith and each other to get through Zach's cancer diagnosis.  The book shares the high moments of happiness to the moment of Zach's passing.  It also shares the struggles that each family member faced, especially as they all planned for a wedding and for a funeral.  

Favorite quotes from Fly a Little Higher:
"But I do know that God is very, very close.  He will not abandon you.  Sometimes, when things are darkest, it is because God's hand is overshadowing you."
"They can talk about God and Jesus all they want, but it's how they live day-to-day and how they confront suffering that really tells the story." 

Can you imagine being in your teens and facing death?  At the age of 27, I cannot fathom having to accept that I was going to die.  I cannot imagine planning my funeral, how I wanted my last days to be, or how I was going to say goodbye to those I loved.  But Zach took it all in stride and truly believed that he was given cancer for a reason.  Zach's mother, Laura had the same belief that if he was going to die that God was using him for something much bigger than he understood.  Zach ended up writing goodbye songs for his loved ones and out of that came the song "Clouds".  It ended up being a ridiculously uplifting song for thousands of people around the world.  The song is catchy and has this tone that things will get better.  After rewatching SoulPancake's Last Days episode and reading this book, I found myself constantly humming the tune of "Clouds".  

This entire book and it's real-life characters are so positive in light of something so dark in their lives.  I would love to read a book from Zach's father's perspective or even his three siblings.  I felt like Alli had a pretty strong voice in the book.  I think that was because she was planning a wedding while Zach was nearing the end of his life.  There was a lot of turmoil for her and her parents as they had to decide what to do if it came down to Alli's wedding and Zach on his death bed.  I found it very interesting their logic to go to Alli's wedding if it came down to it because they knew Zach would understand and Alli would never forget they weren't there.  I thought that was very unselfish of Zach's parents to choose the day of joy for their living child than to be with another child while they took their last breath.  I don't know how they were ever able to come to that decision.  I personally would pretend that death wasn't lurking in the doorway and take the approach that we would handle that moment when we came to it.  Zach's other two siblings Grace and Sam were fairly quiet throughout the book.  I didn't feel they had a prominent voice like Laura and Alli did.  I would love to read a book from the perspective of Alli, Sam, and Grace.  I found it interesting that Grace didn't have a bigger role and voice in the book since she was so close to Zach.  

There was never a time in this book where I wished it would get on with the story.  It never lulled and flowed in such a way that I have never experienced a non-fiction book flowing.  I've actually had this book on my shelf for a few years.  But after seeing ads on Facebook for a new movie on Disney+ I knew I had to get this book finished so I could watch the movie.  As usual, I will give a review of the movie since I've finished the book.  The movie didn't even come close to the amazingness of this book.  I thought the movie was a bit of a disappointment and didn't do the book justice.  The way things happened in the movie didn't compare or line up with how they happened in the book.  I understand a lot of things had to be cut down because it is a movie, but there were some serious sequencing and events that I didn't feel were portrayed the same way as in the book. 

I absolutely loved the book.  The movie had a lot to desire.  I think I loved this book so much because the entire book centered around their faith, but it never felt pushy or preachy.  I give this book 5 big, fluffy clouds.  This book was absolutely amazing.  It's definitely a read for all adults.  

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