"Many girls dream of becoming princesses, but for the heroine of Holiday in Your Heart, nothing could be better than singing at the Grand Ole Opry. Teenaged singing sensation Anna Lee has realized her dream of performing a holiday concert on the fabled stage. Yet her happiness is clouded by thoughts of her grandmother, stricken with a serious illness back in her native Mississippi and unable to see her beloved granddaughter triumph at this special time of year. It takes the lessons of an older country singer, a musical legend now past her prime, to show the young woman that if you carry a holiday in your heart all year round, you'll always know which things really matter, which songs are the ones you have to sing. LeAnn Rimes's legions of fans will find Holiday in Your Heart a tale as heartrending as the finest country ballad."
Goodreads - Holiday in Your Heart
December is almost over and this is the final Christmas book of this year. I felt like it would be good to make this book the final Christmas book considering it is titled Holiday in Your Heart. It seemed like a book that would be full of good things to carry into the new year.
Holiday in Your Heart is about a young girl named Anna Lee who is a rising star getting read to play at the Opry. While getting ready Anna meets a famous singer who decides she should show Anna what Nashville is really like. Anna agrees to meet her the next day to get an official tour, but she doesn't realize that she is going to get the lesson of a lifetime.
This book wasn't what I was expecting. It was really slow and pretty boring. The chapters were drawn out and lacked any kind of exciting storyline. In between the slowness and the long chapters, there was an important message. Anna Lee is a rising star who finds out early on in the book that her grandmother is sick. Her grandmother asks for her to come see her in the hospital, but Anna Lee decides to go ahead and go to the important meeting she has the following day. After spending time with the old famous singer she realizes that family is more important than anything including careers. I think this is such an important message because I am so guilty of spending so much time at my job or doing things for my job instead of spending time with family. Jobs will come and go, but family is only here for a short time.
This book was a little bit of a let down as far as stories go, but deep down there was an excellent message. A big reason I even read this book was because it was written by LeAnn Rimes. It didn't meet my expectations and it lacked a good storyline. I give this 2 stars. If you like LeAnn Rimes then I would suggest reading this because it does have some ties back to her life, but otherwise it isn't an exciting story.
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