"When her older brother, David, dies in an accident, Darcy feels responsible for his death. Then she meets the boy who received David's heart in an organ transplant, and learns that life truly does go on.
A journey of faith, hope, and love.
Life at Darcy's house isn't always easy. Money is tight, and her parents argue a lot. Darcy's shy and quiet with most people, but it's not like that with her brother, David. He and Darcy are soul mates. Until David gets a girlfriend, that is, and starts to treat Darcy as if she were a pest. Darcy is hurt and humiliated, and one day after a huge fight, Darcy runs off. David chases after her and is killed in a shocking accident. Darcy is sure his death is her fault.
Then Darcy's parents decide to donate David's heart for transplant. Darcy believes that if she can find David's heart, even if it's beating in someone else's body, she will have found her brother, and in some way he will still be alive. And so the search for David's heart begins."
Goodreads - Searching For David's Heart
I love Christmas, but I also love the books that are about Christmas. They always have an important message about believing in the spirit or in helping others. But this book was different in the most wonderful way. This book focused on healing and finding the ability to love and be loved again.
Searching For David's Heart starts with a young girl named Darcy getting ready for a speech at school. She talks with her brother David and he gives her advice about how to not be afraid. Soon Darcy finds out that David has a girlfriend that he is apparently in love with. Darcy becomes jealous, but becomes angry when she overhears David's girlfriend share that she picked out Darcy's birthday present. Darcy gets angry and runs away with David chasing. Darcy makes it across the street, but David doesn't. In the months after Darcy must learn to heal and love again. But to do that she sets off on an adventure to find her brother's heart.
I'm not going to lie this book started off extremely slow and slightly boring. I was tired of it just a few chapters in, but after the accident the book picked up and took off. While Darcy went on a physical journey, she also went on an emotional journey. Darcy kept blaming herself for David's death and was bottling everything up. As she went on the trip she was forced to face the truth and to truly let herself mourn away from her family. I think that this book would be very beneficial to someone who had just lost someone in a tragic way. Sometimes we have to take a step back and go on a journey to find ourselves and let ourselves truly heal.
I also want to give some attention to the love and relationships that were in this book. The first big one was Darcy and David's relationship. Darcy looked up to her big brother in a way that a lot of younger siblings look up to older siblings. David wasn't a jerk about the fact that Darcy admired him. David took care of Darcy, gave her advice, and wanted her to be her best self. He was ultimately her biggest fan and protector. This was an excellent brother-sister relationship that was full of positivity and love. The other big relationship was between Darcy and Sam her best friend. Darcy and Sam had the ideal childhood friendship. Both seem to be a little quirky and stick up for each other. Sam has a lot of courage and charisma that Darcy ultimately needs once they set out on their journey to find David's heart. At one point in the book Sam confesses that he loves Darcy and frankly, Darcy is a little bit of a jerk about it. Darcy says that she doesn't love Sam and it really breaks Sam's heart. The only complaint out of the whole book is that there wasn't ever a moment where Darcy admitted she loved Sam too. I was hoping it would come near the end of the book, but it didn't. Nonetheless they had a positive friendship where each was willing to do anything for the other. I think that positive relationships in books are excellent examples of what things are supposed to look like. This book was packed with these two positive relationships and it really enhanced the book.
I have nothing negative to say about this wonderful Christmas story. It was full of tragedy and love and hope and healing. Something strange however is that my copy of the book had two chapter eighteens and no chapter nineteen. It was really weird, but I figured it was just a big typo. I give this book 5 big stars and recommend it to anyone looking for a feel good Christmas read.
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