I'm a teacher and I obviously encourage my students to read all the time. I've noticed a lot of my students came to me and didn't want to read. But somehow and somewhere along the way I've worked some magic and the majority of my students enjoy reading now (there are a few who are hard headed and couldn't be influenced). It makes me tingle inside to think that I've instilled some kind of love for reading.

What is interesting is that I don't particularly remember books that I read as a child. I know that I checked a lot of Arthur books out when I was in school. Every now and then I'll come across some obscure book from my childhood. I'll get all giddy and excited because it's a book that was never popular and that most kids haven't read. For example, this weekend I was shopping at Saver's and came across a book called Wondergirls: The New Girl. I got so excited because it was a book I recall reading somewhere between 3rd and 5th grade. I remember being so irritated that I couldn't find the rest of the series. And here it was...the first book...at a retail store! I didn't buy it, although now I wish I had....
I love books because they bring back so many memories. They bring back feelings you haven't felt in years. I love books because of the exciting unknown that lies within the pages of a book. Every book is a new story, a new adventure, and a new chance to experience life differently. I love the rush and excitement of what is going to happen next in a book. I love the journey that happens in each novel. I enjoy watching each of the characters grow and how they shape people around them and how people shape them. If you don't read then that's a shame. You are most definitely missing out on some important life lessons that can be found in some amazing books. We are all life long learners, which means we should all be constantly reading. Read a fiction book about the end of the world or about a disease outbreak. Read a nonfiction book by someone that you find fascinating or inspirational. Read a book that relates to your job. If you can't take a vacation, then take a vacation with a book! I've included some surprising book facts. Don't become a statistic.... Read a book!
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